Sunday, 14 August 2016

High-end haul!

Hey guys! Two posts in one week, I am on top of this snazz! Joking, basically I'm a week behind on my little plan and my OCD is screaming at me, so I thought I would work on another post and post it today to catch up! Today I thought I would fill you in on all the higher-end make-up purchases I have made recently, mostly so I can take the photos and start playing a bit more with all of it! So if you're interested, carry on reading :)

Friday, 12 August 2016

My top 5 mac lipsticks!

Hey friends! This week's post is -  ACTUALLY ON TIME! - about my top 5 Mac lipsticks. Now anyone who knows me knows I have THE biggest obsession with lipsticks, and it's nowhere near over! So, without further ado, here we go...

Saturday, 6 August 2016

My Amsterdam trip

Hi guys! 

 Really sorry about the delay in my post, no matter what I did it would not let me upload any photos! Nevermind, things happen. This week's post is about my holiday in Amsterdam. I went last week, for 5 days, from Tuesday until Saturday, and it was amazing!